My Photo
Location: The Promised Land

This is my triumphant return to the lifestyle I've always furthered and forwarded in my heart, at least, so let's blast off. The first half of my life has been incredible and the second segment will include more splendors than any Ottoman Sultan could ever have wished for in his golden repose. Anyway, fasten your laughter belt cuz you're on a collision course with wackiness.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Cosa Nostra

It's family hour here at the menagerie where I'm
waiting for my new laptop to be delivered so I'm recycling old photos and this one is of my sister and my brother and me from a not so long ago sister sledge kind of moment back in ATL in the snug of the Highlands. Yesterday brought a fabulous California rain that's just now clearing out to wipe the smog away and beautiful hills are visible while the forecast calls for temps in the low 70s the rest of the week with nothing but sunshine, feeding my desires like so much sweet, sweet candy. The rock star coffee joint is my new favorite hangout and I often start the day there with a bagel and the LA Times sports page with a couple of cups of joe to wash it down with and it sits at the bottom of a beautiful little hill stuck somewhere in the future that Noah Cross bought long ago because he's rich. Tomorrow will find me back at Bob's and the little cave with Walter and the black bug will ride again. Tonight I'll cross the hill and watch the Dodgers take on the Rockies while my eye is on the scoreboard with the Braves down the street in San Diego and I really should be there but the invitation was a gracious one and I was glad to accept. Strange things are happening with wires and non wires so I'm going to publish now and try to get this on. Wooo!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Laptop? Are you mad?

8:33 AM  

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