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Location: The Promised Land

This is my triumphant return to the lifestyle I've always furthered and forwarded in my heart, at least, so let's blast off. The first half of my life has been incredible and the second segment will include more splendors than any Ottoman Sultan could ever have wished for in his golden repose. Anyway, fasten your laughter belt cuz you're on a collision course with wackiness.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

That's not the Goose

"What black magician conjures up this fiend?" It's fun to be right but you never imagine it could be as pure or as fun as this Mel Gibson insanity. It's so complete that I almost feel a little guilty, like this was so easy that it wasn't a worthy battle. Do Scientologists drink? Oh, if only. I know that the magic spin has begun but I can't wait to see how they're going to treat this one. Will they go with the predictable Barbara Walters exclusive where the commercials show her asking, "Are you getting the help you need?" or will this be the interview that puts Jimmy Kimmel on the map. Can't you see it, with Jimmy's girlfriend Sarah Silverman on Mad Mel's other side, on the couch and talking about the love he has for all races and creeds. I'm glad I have a good creed, not to get creedy. Then I remembered The Big Lebowski and wondered what the life of a Malibu cop must be like. I'd like to imagine one of them throwing a mug at his forehead but that probably did not occur, sadly. Stripped to the bone, the funny part is seeing the bully who hides in the robes of religion unmasked in the current reality show that plays on all four major networks and the news outlets so there is no escape for him or the rest of us. May God have mercy on us all. Enough of that for there will be more than we can swallow in the future where you are reading this at your leisure and possible dismay.
On this night there is almost a hint of a chill in the air... no, an actual cool flummox that eases the tension in the goonads which impedes casual activities and passions. My rehabilitation has begun and I now try to pick up pennies with my left foot which seems very cliche but this is Hollywood.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

South Park was prophetic.


6:28 PM  

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